1.) Sassure defines a sign by saying "The linguistic sign unites not a thing and its name, but a concept and a sound-image." By this, he means that a sign is formed from an idea and a sound.
2.) The relationship between a signifier and a signified is random and "based on convention". Society gives meanings to words and they can all be changed.
3.) Sassure is saying that concepts are just technical, defined mostly by what they are not instead of what they are.
4.) He says that in language there are only difference because in our language we always think in opposites. It is never "I'm happy" then "I'm unhappy", it's "I'm happy" then "I'm sad".
5.) Language is a social institution, speech is individual and social, and parole is just individual.
6.) I would have to say it is Parole because I'm wearing it to be comfortable and I'm not wearing it for anyone else but myself. If I were more dressed up then it would either be Language or Speech.
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