Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Chapter 49 & 50

Chapter 49:
In this chapter, Debord talks about modern industrialized societies and how life has changed.  He says that life has changed from experiencing it directly to experiencing it through representations.  Debord believes that images have just begun to take over our lives.  I do not agree. I believe images have always dominated our lives.

Chapter 50:
In this chapter, Stuart Hall talks about "difference". He talks about difference because that is how peope have been able to define themselves.  " Things don't have essential meanings but relational ones." Everything is defined by differences, instead of being defined by similarities.

The reality show that I watch the most is The Hills. I like it because they live a more glamorous life than I do and I like to admire all of the nice things they have (except for the large amounts of drama included of course).

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